Sanctuary Night Needs Help

I am more convinced than ever that our work is crucial. We anticipated serving 150 unique women in our space in the first year of operating, but we have served 5x that amount - this has meant that our costs have been higher as well!

As we wait for significant grant dollars, we need to scale back our operation until we can ensure better cash flow. It is a hard choice, but it is the right choice. Two staff members have paused their employment with us, and all staff have had a cut in their hours. 

~Hannah Estabrook, Executive Director

Sanctuary Night
Let the Ribbon FALL

Photo Credit: Nick Fancher

Yesterday, we were proud to host friends from the neighborhood and across the city at a special ribbon cutting event. Thank you to everyone who showed up!

Our spring #GiveWhatICan celebration auction runs until noon on Thursday, May 19. Check it out here!

Sanctuary Night
Celebrate Open Doors and #GiveWhatICan

After five years of hosting pop-up, drop-in hours, on Monday, May 2, 2022, Sanctuary Night hosted its first drop-in hours at its new building at 1195 Sullivant Avenue. We invite you to join us in celebrating by participating in our spring 2022 #GiveWhatICan online auction!

We invite you to #GiveWhatICan!  All gifts received will help us pay off our final building expenses and support our operations expenses, so we can be open more hours!  

Also, Sanctuary Night has received a special grant to help offset our remaining new building expenses, which will MATCH gifts received during this time.  So gifts supporting the new building will go twice as far!  

Here’s how you can participate –  

  • #GiveWhatICan Celebration Auction: From Noon on Tuesday, May 17th to noon on Thursday, May 19th, Sanctuary Night will host an online auction, and we invite you to #GiveWhatICan!  Everything from art pieces to summer lake houses and special experiences across the city and region will be available.  We invite friends–new and old–to participate! Check out what’s available here!

  • Tell the Story and #GiveWhatICan: Share Sanctuary Night’s social media posts this week.  Tell your friends and neighbors why you care about Sanctuary Night’s mission.  Use the hashtag #GiveWhatICan and give here!    

  • Give time!  Sign up for training to be a host: A new building means more hours!  It also means more staff and volunteers.  If you’re ready to take your engagement to the next level, sign up for training.  From 9am-3pm on Monday, June 6th, we’ll be hosting a special all day training.  Our friends at She Has A Name will host their trafficking 101 class in the morning, and in the afternoon, Sanctuary Night will host our 201 class.  Both are required to serve as a host at Sanctuary Night. 

Got questions?  Want to learn more?  Reach out to us at

Sanctuary Night
Sanctuary Night to Host Ribbon-Cutting for New Building

COLUMBUS, Ohio - April 20, 2022 - Sanctuary Night is announcing a new time and date for the public ribbon-cutting ceremony at its new building located at 1195 Sullivant Ave., in Columbus, Ohio. The official dedication of Sanctuary Night’s new building will now be held at 1195 Sullivant Avenue, on Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 3:30pm.

At 2:30pm, Sanctuary Night will also host a walk-through tour for interested members of the media and provide interview opportunities with Sanctuary Night leadership and staff. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was originally set to be held in January 2022, but was delayed due to unexpected construction delays and rising COVID-19 numbers in our community.

Avenue since 2017 and are thrilled to announce the opening of our new building. Sanctuary Night operated one night a week from 2017-2021. In 2022, we hired a team of Peer Support Specialists, trafficking survivors and other formerly vulnerable women, and began increasing our hours. With the opening of our new building, we will continue to increase our hours and will become the first 24/7 drop-in center for vulnerable women in the state.

For details or an interview:

Heather Mohrman, Board Chair, Sanctuary Night


*We resist using common terminology (sex work, sex trafficking, prostitution) out of respect for the beautiful and complicated women who walk our streets and who may or may not identify with these terms.

Sanctuary Night
Honest Thanks + OHMAS Certification

Dear Friends,

I write today with a full heart.

First, last week I reached out and offered a video tour of the building. I also let you know that we have some major grants coming, but the checks have not arrived yet. Because of that, we were in a transition spot where our cashflow was down.

Our community responded without hesitation. The message went out without any pomp and circumstance— just an email to you all, a social media post, and word-of-mouth, but the message carried. Over $15,000 came in from over 30 individuals and organizations in about three days.

During that same stretch of time, we received our interim certification from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. What’s this mean? We have crossed a major step and are formally en route to being able to bill Medicaid for reimbursement for services provided at our drop-in center.

We will always be an organization sustained through the generosity of individuals and organizations, but one key step in our long-term financial health and sustainability is also being able to bill Medicaid.

So many gifts, and personal notes of love and care, came in from friends near and far, meeting a need today; our interim OHMAS certification is an essential part of meeting needs as we go forward; and all of it, every last dollar, advances the mission of our organization.

Sanctuary Night is a sacred space serving vulnerable women* who need a place to rest, eat, connect, and get desired resources. It is a vibrant community led by survivors and champions to promote the flourishing of all who sit at our table.

Thank you for your support.

-Hannah Estabrook, Executive Director

* We resist using common terminology (sex work, sex trafficking, prostitution) out of respect for the beautiful and complicated women who walk our streets and who may or may not identify with these terms.

Sanctuary Night
Building Tour + Timely Update


We’ve painted the walls and hung the cabinets. Under the fresh paint in the living room are notes — handwritten sobriety dates, song lyrics, and notes of love and care — put there by our hardworking Peer Support Specialists, who are themselves survivors.

Life at Sanctuary Night is going 100 mph these days. Because of our new staff and ever-faithful volunteers, we are open more hours than ever before. We’re building relationships and are in the process of establishing ourselves in the new building, which is nearly ready for occupancy.

Our days are filled with great joy.

It is also true that we are feeling the pinches and pressures of our current transition into the new building. We will soon be receiving several large grants. They are in process of being issued, but they are not here yet. And in the meantime, we have bills to pay.

Early March isn’t the scheduled date for any fundraiser or special event. Right now is just a moment when our cash flow is a little slow, and it’s a big transitional moment for us.

If you have a little extra cash flow this month, would you consider donating to Sanctuary Night?

With thanks, love, and care,

Hannah Estabrook, Executive Director

Sanctuary Night