First, last week I reached out and offered a video tour of the building. I also let you know that we have some major grants coming, but the checks have not arrived yet. Because of that, we were in a transition spot where our cashflow was down.
Our community responded without hesitation. The message went out without any pomp and circumstance— just an email to you all, a social media post, and word-of-mouth, but the message carried. Over $15,000 came in from over 30 individuals and organizations in about three days.
During that same stretch of time, we received our interim certification from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. What’s this mean? We have crossed a major step and are formally en route to being able to bill Medicaid for reimbursement for services provided at our drop-in center.
We will always be an organization sustained through the generosity of individuals and organizations, but one key step in our long-term financial health and sustainability is also being able to bill Medicaid.
So many gifts, and personal notes of love and care, came in from friends near and far, meeting a need today; our interim OHMAS certification is an essential part of meeting needs as we go forward; and all of it, every last dollar, advances the mission of our organization.
Sanctuary Night is a sacred space serving vulnerable women* who need a place to rest, eat, connect, and get desired resources. It is a vibrant community led by survivors and champions to promote the flourishing of all who sit at our table.
Thank you for your support.
-Hannah Estabrook, Executive Director
* We resist using common terminology (sex work, sex trafficking, prostitution) out of respect for the beautiful and complicated women who walk our streets and who may or may not identify with these terms.