Volunteers from Columbus Gives Back prepare a Sunday lunch before our guests arrive


  • Provide a Meal

    Providing meals not only addresses the immediate need for nourishment but also builds community and support. Sanctuary Night serves 12 meals a week for up to 30 guests each meal. Please sign up to cook a meal by yourself or as a group! Email for more information or Sign Up here!

  • Donate Clothing and/or Hygiene Items
    We are in need of new or gently used seasonal casual clothing in smaller sizes. We always need sneakers, boots, new or gently used bras and NEW underwear. We do not need professional or dressy clothing or children's clothes.

    Check out our Amazon Wish List for our current needs.

    Donations can be dropped off Mondays 6-10, Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-2 at 1195 Sullivant Ave. Knock on the back door and a staff member will assist you.

  • Work Directly with the Womxn we Serve
    Because trauma-informed care for the womxn we serve is our highest priority, all hosts must go through formal training. Join us March 27th at 4pm for our volunteer host training. Click here to sign up.

    For more information contact Susan Trianfo, Volunteer Coordinator.