Celebrate Open Doors and #GiveWhatICan

After five years of hosting pop-up, drop-in hours, on Monday, May 2, 2022, Sanctuary Night hosted its first drop-in hours at its new building at 1195 Sullivant Avenue. We invite you to join us in celebrating by participating in our spring 2022 #GiveWhatICan online auction!

We invite you to #GiveWhatICan!  All gifts received will help us pay off our final building expenses and support our operations expenses, so we can be open more hours!  

Also, Sanctuary Night has received a special grant to help offset our remaining new building expenses, which will MATCH gifts received during this time.  So gifts supporting the new building will go twice as far!  

Here’s how you can participate –  

  • #GiveWhatICan Celebration Auction: From Noon on Tuesday, May 17th to noon on Thursday, May 19th, Sanctuary Night will host an online auction, and we invite you to #GiveWhatICan!  Everything from art pieces to summer lake houses and special experiences across the city and region will be available.  We invite friends–new and old–to participate! Check out what’s available here!

  • Tell the Story and #GiveWhatICan: Share Sanctuary Night’s social media posts this week.  Tell your friends and neighbors why you care about Sanctuary Night’s mission.  Use the hashtag #GiveWhatICan and give here!    

  • Give time!  Sign up for training to be a host: A new building means more hours!  It also means more staff and volunteers.  If you’re ready to take your engagement to the next level, sign up for training.  From 9am-3pm on Monday, June 6th, we’ll be hosting a special all day training.  Our friends at She Has A Name will host their trafficking 101 class in the morning, and in the afternoon, Sanctuary Night will host our 201 class.  Both are required to serve as a host at Sanctuary Night. 

Got questions?  Want to learn more?  Reach out to us at office@sanctuarynight.com.

Sanctuary Night