Happy Saturday friends!
It is already a week into March! Yikes!
Truthfully, February was a difficult month for me personally. Yet I am encouraged by the work that is happening at Sanctuary Night every week.
A highlight for me certainly was traveling to a treatment center a couple of weeks ago - the first person I saw as I was walking up to the building was a woman named Carol. Remember Carol? A few months back I drove her to the Whitehall fire station and she was then transported to the Maryhaven Addiction Stabilization Center. That time around treatment didn't "stick," but it was an incredible gift to see her in a treatment center a couple of weeks ago. She had a big smile, and told me that she was very happy there, and didn't want to run this time! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Additionally, I am feeling very grateful to a group of Ohio State students who are planning to help us on their Spring Break (Monday!) by getting all of our SN storage moved and organized. What a tremendous gift!
*All names are changed