Feet Beneath My Feet
We talk a lot about feet at Sanctuary Night.
Yes, feet.
You may remember my friend Elizabeth and her prayer - Feet beneath my feet.
Some of you remember Jennifer, and her soaked winter boots last year. She spent all two hours of SN airing out her feet, and it gave a whole new meaning to a fragrant offering.
Every woman who walks through our doors speaks of tired feet, and often asks if we have socks and a certain shoe size.
I don't know about you, but I've been thinking a lot about the feet of the women we love, especially in this dangerously cold weather.
So it makes all the sense - and all the difference - when volunteer Jena was humbled to the ground, literally, and compelled to wash the feet of a woman who is probably quite tired of walking through the snow.
Humility comes from the latin word "humilis," meaning lowly, or literally - on the ground. It's where we get the word hummus - "of the earth" or close to the earth. It is this quality that I hope to be the mark of our Sanctuary Night presence. Do justice - yes. Love mercy - yes. But let us not forget the last part: walk humbly. We have to walk close to the earth. Sometimes we have to get down on the ground. Friends, if you want to know what God is like: I believe this is a picture.
*All names are changed.