Happy Birthday Hannah (& thanks for prom night)!
Just under a week ago, I spent the evening of my 36th birthday at Sanctuary Night, and I could not have had a better time! Thanks to some extraordinary people on this team, we were able to throw a bash that the ladies really got into, replete with prom dresses and photo booth accessories. One dear woman got lots of pictures and posted them to her Facebook page the next day! She kept talking about how she never got to go to prom, and how much fun it was to dress up. One highlight was when she held up a T-shirt from the donation bin, asking to take it for a friend. On it was the quote: "Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you." (Heb. 13:3). It was really a powerful night: may we all look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them happened to us. And may we all join together in one Big Party. We grieve together, and we rejoice together: this is community. This is sanctuary.
A few reminders for August:
Sign up to host or provide food here! As a general reminder, it's really helpful if you sign up and don't just drop-in when you feel like it. ;) Though we love seeing you all! Also, please plan to arrive by 7:45pm to get the room set up. We are known in the neighborhood, and we usually have a few ladies waiting right at 8pm!
If you haven't yet, please consider attending the next She Has A Name human trafficking training on Friday and Saturday, August 9th & 10th.
Next Sanctuary Night training: Tuesday, August 13th 7-8:30pm (location TBD).
As a final note (not merely an aside), you should know that we are in the process of some pretty BIG THANGS. I'm prepared to BEG for your help over the next few months. We need money. We need sweat equity. We need stuff. We need your time. We need your connections. Let's chat. I'll buy you (Roosevelt) Coffee and we can dream, dream, dream. Cheers!
Much love,