1 Year In!
There are always so many stories to tell, but the one that stands out to me this past month is what some of us often refer to as “slow work.” We’ve been holding space at 1067 Sullivant Avenue for over a year, and I would say that we’re just getting started! I’ve had conversations with several of you this past month about dreams that you have for the neighborhood, for these women, for Sullivant Avenue in general, and for YOU, our army of volunteers! We’ve talked about the dream to have a 24 hour drop-in center, a transitional house for women after treatment, a Sullivant Avenue flash mob, a rehabbed corner store, and so much more! Maybe it’s just the Spring weather talking, but I’d say that we’re beginning to blossom! It seems He is making all things new, even on Mondays.
Here are a few practical matters -
The She has a Name trainings are currently happening! I’m sorry I didn’t send a reminder out before it started, but the training consists of three consecutive Wednesday evenings: May 1, May 8, and May 15th. If you missed the first one but have been wanting to go, please consider attending the last two classes! Sanctuary Night will be represented there on the 15th - anyone interested in joining Carmen for this? Ideally, we’d love to have two volunteers there that night.
The next Sanctuary Night training is also coming up. Details coming soon, but it will likely be Friday, May 31st or Sunday, June 2nd.
Gratefully, Hannah